Monday, November 29, 2010

getting ready

Cullen with his new ornaments.
He picked out Star Wars this year.

It didn't take Finn long to pick out his ornament this year...
He went straight for the tractor!

Helping Daddy put the top on.

The boys with the finished tree.

They just can't stay away from it. :)

We've got the house decorated for Christmas. (With only a few broken ornaments...) The boys are so excited! Belf the Elf is back, and it's cute to see Cullen and Finn excited every morning to look for Belf. Sean got the lights on the house put up just before the cold and snow moved in. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Indians, Summer, & drains

Cullen with his Indian hat and necklace.

Cullen is really proud of this hat he made in preschool. :) On the way home, he told me "I just love doing art at school. I think that I will make some artwork for Jesus and Santa." Ohh, Cullen. On the back of the hat he drew 2 stick people, one with a cloud over his head with a lot of rain coming down...

In other news... I posted two of the boys' favorite songs on the playlist. They LOVE to dance and sing to "Beat It" even Finn-Finn sings along. Funny my boys love it so much... I loved it as child and even named my baby doll "Beada" after the song. Finn also loves any song that has talks about tractors. :) Old MacDonald Has a Farm is a favorite book right now.

Before lunch today, Finn was playing with his pretend cell phone and was having quite the serious conversation with Summer. I asked him who Summer was and he told me his friend at the gym. He actually said "friend". He's growing up! Then of course, Cullen got another pretend phone and started talking to Summer, as well. This made Finn mad and a fight ensued. A sign of things to come, perhaps?

This afternoon, my resident plumber, aka Finn, found trouble (once again) in the bathroom. This kid gets into everything! In the Spring, he pulled the hot water handle off of the garden tub in the master bath. Water is gushing out full-force and, of course, Sean is gone. Luckily, I thought quick and turned off the water to the house and used pliers to turn it off. This Summer, Finnster somehow pulled the drain plug out of the sink and shoved Cullen's toothbrush as far as he could into the drain. My dad fixed both things for me when he was out here over Halloween. Thank you, dad!! Anyway, today (now Fall) Finn shoved a toy all the way into the hole in toilet in the master bathroom. I would have never known, but luckily Cullen caught him and told me. But it was too late... I could not see any trace of the toy. So what did I do? I asked Cullen (obviously b/c his hands are smaller) to stick his hand in there and pull it out for me, and if he did it... he could have a piece of gum. A few good tugs later and he got it out. Thank goodness! I just worry what Winter will bring with Finn....

Seems like I had more stories to share, but Finn is sitting here asking over and over- "Listen to Beat It momma, please?!?" How can I resist?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

fighting Soldiers from the sky, fearless men who jump and die

Sean waiting for the 3rd lift.

Jessica and me with the boys.

Finn wandering around.

Finn talking to daddy about the Chinooks.

Those tiny 5 specks are HALO guys.
(High Altitude Low Opening)

Here they are after the chutes open up.

Coming in for a landing.

The boys watching another Chinook come in.

Finn really enjoyed watching the Chinooks.

Sean arranged a van to take us out to the range to watch him jump this morning. I knew Jessica's husband was jumping too, so I asked if her and Lukey would like to join us. Sean was going to earn a star on his jump wings today (his 30th jump). Unfortunately, it was too windy and the only people that were able to jump were the HALO guys. At least the boys were able to see some cool things... daddy in his jump gear, HALO jumpers, 2 Chinooks taking off and landing over and over, all the army trucks, etc.

I have only seen Sean jump once. Back in NC when Cullen was a tiny baby... Sean and I are trying to arrange a family day out to the range, so everyone can watch their Soldiers jump. It's such a cool experience, I hope we can swing it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Famous Finn

Had a friend tell me today, that she saw a picture of Finn online. It was taken at Boo at the Zoo and she found it on The Gazette (our local paper) online. To see a copy of it click here.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Grandma and Papa with their
favorite Toy Story duo.

Me with my crazy boys.

Papa helping Cullen decorate his pumpkin.

Grandma helping Finn-Finn.

Finn's pumpkin

Their loot.

They enjoyed handing out the candy just
as much as they enjoyed trick or treating!

Saturday before Halloween

Saturday morning we got up early and went to Manitou Springs for the 16th Annual Emma Crawford Coffin Races and Parade. It was quite the ordeal (over 12,000 people attending) and what a motley crew it was! I'm so glad I went, I'll probably never see anything like it again. We watched 54 teams compete by racing coffins with "Emma" riding in the coffin. Here's the true story of Emma Crawford, via song lyrics we sang before the parade. :)

The Ballad of Emma Crawford
By Randy Reames

Young Emma Crawford, New York born and bread was brought to Colorado by her Mother and her Dad. In the early 1880's they rode across the plains, Hoping she could gain her health again. In the little town of Manitou they made their happy home. Through the rocky hills and valleys Emma often roamed with her Indian spirit guide under Colorado skies, they all thought Emma's body could be whole.

CHORUS: Who'll stop her coffin, sliding down the hill, gliding through the streets of Manitou. Racing through the neighborhoods, waving at the crowds. Maybe you can wave at Emma too!

Well Emma's life was happy and soon she would be wed. To a young and handsome suitor by the name of Hilderbrandt. But the happy plans were not to be consumption laid her low and she knew that to Red Mountain she must go. She said "I must be buried upon that mountain high, underneath the pine tree where I left my kerchief tied. And if you really love me you'll grant my last request and lay me on the mountain top to rest."


For twenty years she was at peace upon that granite hill and if not for the wheels of progress she might lie there still, but a railroad Baron came along and said she couldn't stay so they moved her grave to build the right-of-way. Well they dug her up and buried her on the far side of the hill in the shadow of the Mountains in the sandy gravel fill. But a Rocky Mountain thunderstorm washed it all away, And Emma Crawford saw the light of day.


Yes, you read the song correctly. Poor Emma and her coffin were washed out of her grave. Her coffin slid down the mountain and ended up in Manitou Springs. I couldn't help but wonder during the coffin races what Emma was thinking about these races from up in heaven...

After the Coffin Races, we went to Fort Carson and took the boys through a Haunted House for young kids. I think the boys liked it. Finn walked right into a tree as soon as got inside, so Papa carried him the rest of the way. Cullen got scared halfway through, so then Grandma carried him. Cullen talked a lot about the science labs in the Haunted House. They left an impression on him.

After the Haunted Houses we hurried home, had dinner, and then went back to Manitou for the Ghost Stories of Old Manitou. We had a spirit guide lead us through the dark streets of Manitou and she told us ghost stories, and other true stories of people who had tragic ends... it was creepy and fun! It reminded me of touring the dark streets of Kingston, Canada with my family 6 years ago. We did a haunted walking tour there too. I was so happy the boys did so well. Thankfully, they couldn't have been better- quiet, happy, listening... Especially after such a
L O N G day!!

Finn before the ghost tours.

Our ghost tour spirit guide.

Cullen listening to our guide telling one of the stories.

Friday before Halloween

Going into a scary office!

Finn helping himself to some candy.

The boys with Isaiah and Keegan.

With Gumby...

Time for a snack!

My parents got into town Friday afternoon. I am so glad they decided to make this last-minute trip out here to see us! It was nice to have some other people around, and we had a busy time scheduled.

Friday afternoon we went to the Battalion for a Halloween party. The boys had a blast. A lot of the Soldiers got into it, dressing up, decorating their offices and handing out candy to the kids. The boys had a great time!

Thursday before Halloween

Cullen and his preschool class.

Having a parade through the library.

Cullen had his school Halloween party on Thursday. It was cute to see all his classmates all dressed up. They had an exciting day, scavenger hunts, carving pumpkins, etc. The beginning to an exciting weekend!