Friday, July 9, 2010

Waldo Canyon

here we go...

a sign in the parking lot right by 24 highway

We've ran about 1 1/2 miles to get to the loop.

gorgeous views along the way

about half-way done
Pikes Peak in the background

another view of the peak
over half way done!

Sean and I ran/hiked Waldo Canyon this morning. Gorgeous! Breath-taking, too (literally) it's a 6.8 mile trail with about 1280 ft elevation change. It was a perfect morning for this trail, kind of cool out and a nice breeze on the ridge. It took a little over 2 hours, but we enjoyed the views stopping for lots of pictures... and we got off the trail once.

A little of what we saw: several chipmunks, a hawk, a squirrel, dozens of butterflies, lots of cactus, tons of poison ivy, and one foot long snake scurried right in front of me on the trail.

After the run, we went to Old Colorado City and ate at La Baguette for lunch. I'm sure we ate all the calories we burned right back! The food was awesome, Sean got a tuna salad on a baguette with fruit, I got quiche with fruit, salad, and bread. Then of course we had to split a large chocolate eclair! It was an awesome morning... I love Colorado!

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