Tuesday, January 12, 2010

helper day

Sean and I helped in Cullen's classroom mid-December to celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Titus also asked if Sean could come in his uniform and talk to the kids about his job. Sean did a great job explaining what he does to a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds. He really held their attention well. It was really fun to watch Cullen listen to Sean talk. Sean would say something and Cullen would say "Yep. That's what he does. Yep." Cullen also carried Sean's helmet around to let all his friends try it on and see how heavy it is. The first thing Sean said when he began was- "Does anyone know what Soldiers do?" Hands shot up and one little boy shouted "They kill bad guys!" Not sure that's the direction Sean wanted to go in, but whatever. :)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That's adorable. I bet Cullen was "so 'cited" and proud!