Monday, January 18, 2010


Today has been a very crazy day! Sean was supposed to have the day off, but had to go into the office to get a few things done... promising it would only take about 3 hours. He left the house at 10am, leaving me with two stir-crazy, monkeys swinging from the curtains. We somehow made it to lunchtime and a highly anticipated naptime. Right at 1pm, Sean called... to tell me he was on his way to the ER. He was just finishing up at the office, when he hit his ear on an exposed sprinkler head. (He was up on a loft.) When he pulled down on his ear lobe, you could see through his ear... so he was pretty sure he needed some stitches.

When the monkeys woke up, I found myself in the middle of chaos AGAIN. About the worst thing the boys were guilty of today was Cullen allowing Finn to splash in the toilet water. Multiple times. When I say multiple times, I mean I KNOW I washed Finn's hands at least four times yesterday and about that many today- for wet, toilet water hands. Cullen knows to shut the door when he goes into the bathroom to wash his hands, get a kleenex, whatever. But lately, Cullen stalls at the doorway waiting for Finn to catch up and thinking it's hilarious when Finn starts splashing in the toilet. Completely egging him on. What the heck?? I'm so sick of it!!

On a related note... Finn added another word to his vocabulary today. "Dirty." Go figure.

Finally at almost 6pm Sean called and was on his way home from the ER. He got four stitches in his ear and a bad case of crankiness for having to wait that long. Ohh and they took a look at this strange itchy rash he got on his foot Thursday. We thought it may've been poison ivy. Turns out it was an infection from a huge blister he had on his foot from skiing last week.

Crazy day.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Yikes...what a mess! Glad Sean's okay! Sounds like the two of you need a (kid-free) vacation!