Tuesday, March 3, 2009

room mother

I was the room mother in Cullen's preschool class today. I really like that this school has such strong family ties and encourages parents to be involved. He was sooo excited to have me help in his room today! (I'm cherishing this, it won't be long and he'll be embarrassed of mom being around!) I was able to leave Finn in the nursery down the hall, and he did great!

It was so fun seeing Cullen participate during school! He does really well, much better than I could have guessed. Cullen was the leader today, so he got to: lead the class to and from the playground, help me set the table for snack time, wave the wand on each classmates shoe to dismiss them to snack time, ring the bell to end playtime, and draw a name for Cuddles to go home with. He was also able to bring a favorite book for show and tell. We provided the snack today. They are really strict, it is a peanut-free school and everything has to be pre-packaged. No artificial sugars (thank goodness) and it must be 100% juice, which is good. We brought apple slices, Teddy Grahams, white grape juice, and Cullen was especially excited about the Diego Dixie cups we brought along. :)

His teachers told me, repeatedly, how happy they are with Cullen. They told me he is quiet, and not one of the kids they have to constantly "re-direct". Who knew? They also told me that he plays with Kenton and Landon a lot, which I witnessed today (and have heard from Cullen). Our little guy is growing up! It's great being able to witness him becoming more and more independent.

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