Monday, March 30, 2009

Finny is 7 months

Finn's first time swinging at the park.

Here are some recent pictures of Finn at 7 months. He's got his first tooth, it came in at about 6 1/2 months. He's rolling freely, but hasn't figured out crawling yet. He's still spinning in circles on this tummy, but I imagine the army crawl will start anytime now. As you can see, he's sitting by himself now. He's a fabulous sleeper; sleeping 8 hours, then he wakes me up for a snack, then sleeps another 3 hours. He's still a great eater, his favorite food right now is yogurt. I can't believe it, before I know it he'll be walking and talking! Finn is such a jovial baby, he's got a very easy temperament. Hallelujah!

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