Sunday, June 29, 2014

Trip(s) out to CO/ moving fun

Cullen remembered this door at one of our stops (in Ellis, KS) traveling between CO and KS. 

Yeah! New carpet in the CO house!

A glimpse at our moving madness. Bonus points if you can spot the baby!

First food! Rice cereal. We broke down at 5 1/2 months. This momma was willing to try anything to get you to sleep more than 2 hr stretches at night.  BTW, it didn't work. BUT you love to eat:)

Last picture outside our KC house... This time as a family of 5!

Luckily Coco made the trip out to CO with me and Patch to help unpack. Here's a glimpse of the mess. Ugh. 

Kitchens are the worst!

Boxes everywhere!

On the drive out to CO, we stopped in Victoria, KS to see the newly named minor basilica St. Fildelis. Beautiful!

Patch and me out in front. It's massive!

The red and yellow umbrella signifies it's honor as a minor basilica. 

What a start to our summer! Yikes. 

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