Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Patrick's Baptism

My Aunt Teresa was in town from Oregon and had these made special for Patch. :)

God Bless Patrick Edward

Father Joe did a great job of involving the big brothers!

Patrick with his Godparents Aunt Courtney and Chris Baker.

Our family with Papa, Grandma, and GG.

I am so, so behind on updating the blog!  We had Patrick's Baptism Feb. 16 at Assumption Church in Edgerton, KS.  As Father Joe put it, my ancestral home... Patrick is the 5th generation of our family to be baptized in that church.  A church my family members built and whose names are on the church bell.  I'm sure many were smiling down on Patrick that day! :)

I'm happy Father Joe was able to baptize little Patch... afterall, it was during his Christmas Eve Mass we left early, to bring Patrick into the world!  And Father Joe won't let me forget it!  HA!  It was a wonderful ceremony, unlike any other I have been to.  Father Joe wasted to have the Baptism during Mass, to teach the high school CCD kids about baptism.  We all got an education!  And Patrick was a little angel, didn't cry at all when the holy water was poured on him.  In fact, he even smiled at Father Joe when he blessed him!

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