Thursday, April 17, 2014

Finn has fun at preschool

Finn's favorite thing to play with at preschool? Blocks!

Finn and Ms. Bridgitte matched on Super Hero Day. 

Getting ready for Easter! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Smiling at the baby

Patrick saw another handsome baby at my birthday dinner... ;)

Patrick's 1st Royals game

Happy baby enjoying the day at the K!

Go Royals beat the White Sox!

Cullen running the bases after the game. 

Here comes Finn!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My 34th birthday

Paint Therapy

Emily and me

Kristin and Emily. Hahaha

Thinking hard on my wish :)

Emily and I did the same painting

Our masterpieces!

I have the BEST best friends! Emily planned for our friends to surprise me at Paint Therapy in Topeka. Kristin drove in from Tulsa and Jill drove in from Denver for the surprise!  We had a GREAT time catching up. It went too fast:)

Birthday dinner out for taco Tuesday. It was fun celebrating with my boys, parents, and Coco and Josh!

My trickster (Finn) made me this wonderful birthday treat... Triscuits and toothpaste! He loved April Fools Day!! I need to plan ahead and get the boys good next year! ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Look a likes!

Me and Patch at 2 months. It's the eyes!

Sean and Finn at 5! Even the smile is the same!

Cullen and Patrick at 5 days. They have the same head shape and round face. 

Playing catch up- March

Ash Wednesday. So innocent!

Smiling at GG. 

Hello there dimples!

Off to the SF military ball. Look at our middle child. Boy oh boy... (Oh boy?)

Watching Cullen's 1st and 2nd Grade musical. "Lights, Camera, Action"

Bond. James Bond. So proud of Cullen for trying out for this part in the musical! He did great!

Rolling over like a pro now! (Tummy to back)

Patrick wishes you a Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Words cannot describe how much I love this pic!! :)

Blooper reel...

Watching Cullen March in the St Patrick's Day parade in Westport. What a fun field trip for them!

Cullen's cheering section- minus grandma. 

Strong guy talking to doggy. 

We said good bye to our good ole Tahoe... (200,000 miles!) it saw a lot with us Georgia, New York, Georgia (again), North Carolina, Kansas, Colorado, Indiana, and now Missouri. She even brought all 3 boys home safely from the hospital. But it was time... Now hello 3rd row!!

Patch is by far our smiliest, happiest baby. He's such a blessing to our family. Now he's 3 months!

Love preschool artwork!

More stories with GG. 

Cute M & M's!!


He's starting to smile! I love it!

What appears on your lap when you have  two big brothers!

Not lacking for love!

Happy birthday Sean!

Happy Valentines Day! xoxo

Heart breaker for sure...

2 months old and sleeping off the shots. Ohh those cheeks!!

Silly faces at the Blue Gold Banquet. 

The many faces of Patrick! 

Just realized I forgot to get a pic of Patch in his baptismal outfit... Oops!

Olympic closing ceremonies...