Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Best Christmas EVE(r)... welcome Patrick!

Celebrating Jessica's surprise Bridal Shower- 3:30pm

Getting ready to welcome Patrick- 8:30pm
Ready or not, here he comes! (We weren't 100% ready, 
I didn't have a bag packed!!)

Patrick is born!- 8:59pm
Suctioning out his airways.
Look at that big boy!

Love that wrinkled face! I'm so glad the Dr. showed him to me over the curtain.

8 pounds 8.6 ounces!?! No wonder I went into labor 12 days early!

9 and 9 on the APGARs.  He's a healthy guy. :)

I finally get to see him up close.

I wanted a better look at his hair! :)
So in love with all my boys!

Interesting view of the OR.

It sure is bright :)  Look at that handsome face!

We had a Christmas Eve I'll never forget!  It started with a routine Dr. visit.  My Dr. wasn't in, but I saw the head of the practice.  I asked him if he thought the baby was around 7 1/2 pounds now (I was feeling so huge!).  He looked me in the eyes and said "Oh, at least!"  That lead me to think he may be a little bigger...

I hurried home and finished preparing some food for Jessica's Bridal Surprise Shower and our Christmas Eve dinner.  Then we loaded up the boys and headed to Edgerton to celebrate Christmas at GG's house.  On the drive to Edgerton, I started feeling bad.  I had a headache and was starting to get painful contractions.  Sean and I both thought it was because I had been so busy, was probably dehydrated, etc.  Afterall, my csection wasn't scheduled until Jan. 2 and his due date was Jan. 5!  Hahaha, it's funny now....

I continued having contractions at GG's house, but drank a few waters and started feeling better.  We welcomed Jessica into our family with a surprise shower.  We played a few games, she opened the presents and then we ate some finger foods and cupcakes.  It was fun!

We all realized the time and had to hurry to get everyone ready for the 5:00 Mass in Gardner.  My mom kept asking me if I should go, since I wasn't feeling 100%, I assured her that it was probably because I was tired and dehydrated.  We got to Mass a little early, thankfully- so we could get a seat.  That's when I started feeling really bad.  The contractions were getting stronger and then the awful back pain started in.  The back pain was bringing tears to my eyes.  I also noticed the baby was moving a lot more and got the hiccups.

After consulting with my mom and Sean, we decided I needed to go to the hospital.  I didn't really want to, I didn't want to feel stupid if it was nothing.  Finally, my mom convinced me to just go in the front entry and call my Dr.  It was just after the sermon.  Father Joe had a two sentence sermon, I'll never forget.. I was so happy it was short because I was so uncomfortable!  We waited until it was time to stand and Sean and I left.  I called my Dr. from the (standing room only) front, where I could tell curious people were listening in...  The Dr. wanted me to come in to be monitored- just in case. They don't really want repeat csection patients laboring long.

As we walked out to the parking lot some lady in a handicapped spot rolled down her window and asked if communion was over yet.  ???  Sean and I said we didn't really know (we were in the front for about 15 min) she seemed annoyed and rolled up her window.   I wanted to shout at her- I have my own problems lady, I think I'm in labor!  I sent a text to my family to let them know about Santa and that we were on our way to the hospital.

At the hospital, the nurse monitored my contractions and then checked to see if I was dilated.  She told me I was maybe at 1.  Then a little later she came in with some Tylenol and a water and told me that my contractions were about 10 min apart,  but I was probably going home soon.  I felt so frustrated and kept telling Sean I wasn't feeling well, something wasn't right.  Then another nurse came in, for their shift change.  The new nurse wanted to check me for dilation too,  before I get dressed.  I reluctantly agreed.  The new nurse told me I was at 4cm dilated and she need to get the doctor.  The doctor came in immediately (we hadn't seen her at all so far).  She checked me too and said that I was 4 at least... then said "We're having a baby!"

Things started happening really fast then!  Sean texted my mom to let her know.  He told them they could come to the hospital around 10 if they wanted to meet their newest grandson.  The next thing I knew, we were in the OR.  I just couldn't believe I was having a Christmas Eve baby!  I'll never forget the nurses commenting on my Christmas socks during the csection and all the nurses, doctors, and anesthesiologists singing along to the Christmas music playing from the radio in the corner.  That's how you know your csection is going well.... ;)

Then at 8:59pm I felt a lot of pressure and we heard a little cry... then we saw our sweet baby boy for the first time!  Patrick Edward McCaffery was born, and he was beautiful!  He was a big guy, over 90%ile for his gestational age.  He was 8 pounds 8.6 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long.

What a blessing!  We lost Grace on Jan. 5, 2013 to miscarriage around 8 weeks.  Then I became pregnant with Patrick and his due date was Jan. 5, 2014.  And now, God gave us the most beautiful gift... Patrick joined our family on Christmas Eve.  What a God-wink.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dec. 23, 2013

A last good belly shot before Patch arrived.
 I'm a ticking time bomb. ;)

Jessica and Finn sledding.

Cullen working on his Pine Wood Derby car in Papa's workshop.
The day before Christmas Eve we headed to Papa and Grandma's house to see Jessica and D, Coco and Josh were going to be there too.  I had some sewing I need to do for Catechist of the Good Shepherd, so I spent a lot of time sewing altar cloths.  Sean and Cullen got a good start on his Pine Wood Derby Car too.  The boys were able to get away and play in the snow with their Aunts and Uncles.  It was a fun day!  Little did I know, that sweet, little Patrick would decide to be born the next day!!

Belf's shenanigans...

Belf's self portrait.

He even remembered Cullen's birthday! The boys enjoyed cookies for breakfast!

Finn's response to Belf's self portrait...

Love his artwork!

What does a fox say? Our elf knows pop culture. :)

Belf brought some Christmas jokes.

Hanging from the ceiling.. that's what we do here.

You do the crime, you do the time!

Belf even had his own quilt!

Potato sack races!

Belf helped St. Nick deliver new ornaments to the boys.

Belf wanted Patch to get in on the fun... even tho he hadn't arrived yet.

Swinging from the staircase.
The boys continued to enjoy Belf the elf this year.  I got busted once by Cullen... He asked me why I was holding Belf while watching TV, I told him I was asking him how the boys did that day.  He seemed to buy it... for now!