Monday, December 16, 2013

Cullen is 8!

Singing Happy Birthday to Cullen!

Some of Cullen's friends from school.

Game Kart birthday party!

Gavin showing Cullen how to play a wrestling game.

4 tv screens on the heated cart!

Aunt Coco gave Cullen Battleship, she even stayed to play a game!

Time for ice cream cake!

Wow, time flies.  Cullen is 8!  He had a great birthday party with some boys from school.  We rented a video game truck for 2 hours.  Is there anything better when you're an 8 year old boy?  Not in Cullen's mind. :)

God knew what he was doing when he gave us Cullen first.  He's a strong willed kid, but he's also very kind and loves life!  We love you so much, Cullen!  Happy Birthday!

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