Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lots to see in KC

Watching the Royals beat the White Sox!

Rounding 2nd base at the Royals Fun Run after the game. 

After the Fun Run. 
Swimming with our cousins, right up the road. 
VBS (Vacation Bible School) at their new school. 
Another lost tooth. 
Lunch at the T-Rex Cafe with my friend Emily and her son Mason.  

Below: Shooting fireworks with Grandma. 

Farewell Party

We had about 15 little boys over Saturday for a Farewell Party. We rented a bounce house and had lots of drinks and Popsicles on ice. Hopefully this last chance to tell friends goodbye will make the transition easier for the boys. 

Everyone had a great time and luckily there were no injuries!  Finn was a little upset that more of his friends couldn't make the party... There was a birthday party scheduled at the same time. :(  Ohh well, preschool is different. 

Sean and I were exhausted at the end of the day. And we had our friends (Wilson's & Coulter's) over to BBQ and take home condiments from our fridge, later that night. I wish I had gotten pics that evening too...

Today was our first day with packers...  Won't be long and we'll be in KC.  John, a retired attorney that lives up the street, one of my rosary friends, stopped by to check on me today. He saw the packing truck and hasn't seen me at the rosary... It was nice to catch up with him. He hugged me goodbye. I sure will miss the friends I made here. I really need to track down Frieda before we leave....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On the move!

Killing time while all their toys are in boxes. 

The dreaded truck load day. :(

We stopped in Saint Louis to show the boys the arch. If you look closely you'll see my 3 boys standing on the bench. Maybe you can spot Cullen in the yellow shirt. 

On the very cramped elevator on the way to the top of the arch. Cullen wasn't a fan and asked for a trash can. Luckily we didn't need it!

We made it to the top!

What a view!

The boys loved that they caught a helicopter taking off. What a different perspective...

On the way down. 

Our new home, sweet home in Parkville ( Kansas City). We made it!  :)  We are loving having family nearby. My parents have taken the boys for their Grandpa & Grandma Camp, so Sean and I can unpack in peace!  And the boys are having so much fun, they aren't missing us a bit!

More later.... We've got a lot to do. :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One more year of preschool!

I can't believe Finn is done with another year of preschool!  Today was his "graduation". They sang songs to us and did a small play. Then we had juice and cookies. Finn did great and was one of the few doing the actions to the songs. It was sad leaving, knowing we won't be back. It is especially sad for Finn. As we were driving away he said, "I miss my friends already."  It breaks my heart.