Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Notre Dame MBA Grad 2013

Yay!  He did it!  Pictures after the graduation at the Grotto.
All done!
Someone put a flower in the statue's hand. :)

Walking the stage.

Sean's old team sergeant, Sev Dishman made the trip up to help Sean celebrate.
Walking the steps of the Main Building (Golden Dome)
There is a tradition for undergraduates, that they cannot walk down the front steps of the Main Building or else they will never graduate.  :)

The cake for his party!
I cannot begin to say how proud I am of Sean, for going after his goal of attending Notre Dame and succeeding! He never ceases to amaze me, when he puts his mind to something, he does it, and sees it through without giving up. These two years at Notre Dame has been wonderful. It was just the break from the Army that we needed. We will never forget all the wonderful memories made here...  Congratulations, Sean we are so proud of you!!!

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