Saturday, December 21, 2013

this December...

Cullen earned the Sorrowful Mysteries Badge from Boy Scouts.

Gingerbread house from Finn's Christmas Party

Finn's class preformed the Nativity for us.  See my handsome wise man?
Belf brought this new BNSF train set as an early gift from Santa!

The boys (one in particular) love tinkering with it!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa Train in Baldwin!

The train to Nowhere in Baldwin.  :)

Ready to board the train with GG, Papa and Grandma!

Visiting with Santa and Mrs. Claus in the last train car.
The boys and I went on the train to Nowhere with GG, Papa and Grandma Sunday.  It was beautiful weather and a nice trip.  Along the way we saw the cemetery that GG's family is buried in and an old one room schoolhouse that GG's sister taught in.  Lots of our family's history along those tracks.

Cullen is 8!

Singing Happy Birthday to Cullen!

Some of Cullen's friends from school.

Game Kart birthday party!

Gavin showing Cullen how to play a wrestling game.

4 tv screens on the heated cart!

Aunt Coco gave Cullen Battleship, she even stayed to play a game!

Time for ice cream cake!

Wow, time flies.  Cullen is 8!  He had a great birthday party with some boys from school.  We rented a video game truck for 2 hours.  Is there anything better when you're an 8 year old boy?  Not in Cullen's mind. :)

God knew what he was doing when he gave us Cullen first.  He's a strong willed kid, but he's also very kind and loves life!  We love you so much, Cullen!  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Happenings

The boys with their new ornaments.
 Saint Nicholas brought a Minecraft ornament for Cullen and a Santa train ornament for Finn.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal...

Our tree is done!
 We got a real tree this year... it smells so good!! :)

Cullen's Christmas Party at Boy Scouts.
Cullen and his Wolf Cub Den made a few ornaments, had lots of snacks, played a few games and had a fun book exchange at their Christmas party.  They are sure a nice group of boys.

Sacrament of Reconciliation and Plaza lights

After Cullen made the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 
Cullen made his first confession on Saturday, Dec. 8.  A special day, his due date, the day our church celebrates Immaculate Conception, and it was a year ago to the day a woman approached Finn and I in the Notre Dame Basilica with a special message about Finn.

Cullen was a little nervous, but he was a champ and even confessed face to face, not behind a screen like he had planned.  Next up, First Communion in the spring!

Celebrating Coco and Cullen's birthdays on the Plaza.
That night, we met Grandma, Papa, GG, Aunt Teresa, Coco, and Josh at the Cheesecake Factory on the Plaza to celebrate Coco and Cullen's birthdays.  It was fun to help Coco celebrate and see the beautiful Plaza lights!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ahoy Matey!

Ready for the National Geographic Pirate Exhibit at Union Station!


Beautiful Union Station decorated for Christmas!

Look at these pirates! :)

Cousin sleepover!  Watching Home Alone. :)

I wanted to have the twins over for a sleepover at our house before the baby comes.  The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we finally had them over!  We picked up everybody at the half day pick up from school and headed to Union Station for the National Geographic Real Pirate exhibit.  It was really cool.  We saw all kinds of real items from a real sunken pirate ship!  Unfortunately, we were not able to take pictures during the tour, but we had the pirate come out to take a picture with us!

That night we ordered pizza and watched Home Alone 1 and 2.  It was fun! :)

Thanksgiving and Finn's School Family Day

Having Thanksgiving lunch at school with Cullen.

Finn's class made this life sized firetruck.

Family Day at Finn's school.
 Finn said he helped make the Jail for their community project.

Finn's 4th grade buddy, Sophia.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Demolition Derby

Mom and Dad took the boys over the weekend. They went to a demolition derby. I think the boys really enjoyed it! They've been telling us (and their class) all about it.  :)  Sean and I took advantage of the grown up time and went to Union Station to watch the "We are the People" film then to the Plaza for dinner. Got to take these moments while we've got them... Baby will be here before I know it!  I'm 33 weeks pregnant now. 


I love preschool handwriting!  I heard Finn asking Cullen how to spell Boom, and this is what I found... 

Monday, November 11, 2013


Dad putting camo on Cullen.

Grandma and Grandpa joined in on the costume fun!

Our little heroes...

Like father, like son!!

Getting ready to trick or treat with Adah and Arley.  :)

The whole (growing) family!

Wow!  Look at all that CANDY!

It was so fun being with everyone on Halloween!  The boys had a great time running from house to house with their cousins!!  :)  Great memories for all...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Catholic Train?

Finn went to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd yesterday. They get on the kids when they are not doing the works. Finn has a habit of drawing pictures of whatever he pleases...  Yesterday he showed me 3 pictures of trains he drew. I started to ask if it was okay with his teachers, when he stopped me by saying. "I told Jo, don't worry about it... The train is carrying crucifixes and chalices!"  Ha! I think that was the end of that...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Around Kansas City

Kansas City skyline view from Park Hill South's stadium.
 Yay!  Coach Uncle Josh's soccer team beat Park Hill South in the "Kick Out Cancer" soccer challenge!  And what a beautiful view of KC.

I saw Wicked with my friend Marlo, at the Kansas City Music Hall.

We went trick or treating at World's of Fun.

We enjoyed watching Ashton play volleyball at her senior night.

We love living in the Kansas City area near family! :)

Preschool Halloween Parade

Finn with his buddy Ty.

Another Policeman!  Finn with Jackson.

Finn's pre-k class.  Community workers.

With my handsome policeman!

This morning Finn's class had a parade thru the school for Halloween.  He was so excited to see Adah and Arley on the parade.  Unfortunately Cullen's class didn't come out to watch us go by.  :(

Officer Finn with Arley and Adah. :)