Sunday, July 26, 2009

too close to home :(

I've been trying to decide whether or not to post this for several days... I finally came to the decision that my brother and his co-workers are amongst the unsung heros and that I want people to think about what it takes to keep America safe. I brag on my husband a lot and now is the perfect time to tell everyone how proud I am of my brother. He is very calm and has awesome instincts. I cannot imagine tracking footprints in complete darkness, not knowing who they lead to or what their intentions are... So D, this one is for you, I am incredibly proud of you and thankful for what you do!

I'm sure a lot of you know that my brother is a Border Patrol Agent. On Thursday night they lost Agent Rosas, he was shot and killed by illegals. My brother happened to be working that night less than a mile away and was one of several called to help when Agent Rosas could no longer be reached on his radio. This incident has really hit a little too close to home. I'm so thankful that D's guardian angel was watching over him.

My heart goes out to Agent Rosas' family along with all of his co-workers. I just cannot imagine. It's unfortunate it takes acts like this to make me think about about all the unsung heroes that risk their lives day after day to keep us safe. I really appreciate your selfless service, thank you!

Thank God that the suspects are now in custody. Now let's just hope our government will make an example out of those low-lifes.

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