Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 months

helping those new teeth come in

practicing sitting

thinking about smiling

Why so serious, Finn?

Finn will be 6 months old in a few days. He's still a pretty laid-back baby (a welcome change from Hurricane Cullen). I swear the boy DOES smile, I just cannot seem to catch it on camera. The last few days we've noticed that the drool factory went into overtime, and he's constantly gnawing on something; so we're expecting to see a new tooth soon. He's still working on mastering sitting (but mom doesn't give him much chance to practice, for fear of the Hurricane). He's a BIG eater, I'm anxious for his next well-baby check to see where we're at. He's sleeping much better, but that's not too consistent. He's talking more and experimenting with a lot of high pitched squeals- mainly while conversing with Cullen. I know I say this all the time, but I absolutely LOVE seeing the boys interact! I hope they always remain such big buddies!

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