Monday, December 22, 2008

Belf the Elf

Belford aka Belf

Uncle D, Aunt Coco, and the boys taking a picture with Belf.

Belf, the elf, recently joined our family. He is our "Elf on a Shelf". Everyday Belf watches Cullen and Finn, to see if they are being good. Every night he flies back to Santa and gives his report, then he hurries back before morning and finds a new hiding place. Cullen loves looking for Belf every morning and he makes sure to point out to Belf when he's being a good boy (in case Belf isn't paying attention). Cullen named Belf all by himself, I think his real name is Belford, but he goes by Belf... ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

SOCOM Commander

Interpreter, Iraqi General, and Sean with the SOCOM Commander
(Special Operations Commanding General)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cullen is 3

getting ready to make their dinosaurs

Cullen and Honey

We celebrated Cullen's 3rd birthday on Sunday. We went to the T-Rex Cafe where Cullen celebrated with a Transformers cake, picked out and made his own dinosaur, dug up bones and explored in a cave. Cullen loved spending his day with family; I was thankful too, we don't get to celebrate too many special occasions with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. There was one big void though, Cullen told me he missed Daddy while we were driving to the party.

I can't believe my big boy is three! Cullen is a very happy kid, full of life, and has more spunk than he knows what to do with. We are very blessed having Cullen in our life. He will (and does) give us a run for our money, but that is where wonderful memories are made. We love you Cullen!

b-day party

At home playing with some of his new toys

checking out the view with his cousins

Finn can't be bothered by a party


after Coco's graduation

Finn in his big boy outfit

Friday, December 12, 2008

strong little guy!

Finn is growing so fast. He can now sit in his bumbo seat for short periods of time and he's starting to roll over from his back to tummy. He also enjoys smiling at the baby in the mirror. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

big eyes

Finn enjoying some (much needed) floor time, while Cullen is napping!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

gingerbread house

Cullen and I went to a class today and made a gingerbread house. On the way home I asked him what we did today and he said "ate candy". Which is pretty accurate recollection of what he did. :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

finger puppets

Finn is still very interested in Cullen. It's really cute to watch them interact. Finn is talking more everyday and the endless amount of drooling has begun. Cullen is still Cullen... ornery, strong willed, funny and talkative. (Sound like anyone else you know? ahem, Sean...) He loves to sing his ABC's and Where is Cullen? (a song they sing at his library class) I love to hear him sing his ABC's, my favorite is the "curious T" (QRS). :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Cullen with his new ornament

putting Finn's ornament on the tree for him

too bad Finn's reindeer antlers didn't show up well