Wednesday, September 26, 2012

marching band practice

Finn, Annie, and Cullen watching the marching band practice.

Finn was being a conductor.
We met my friend Emily and her two girls, Annie and Ellie at the playground on Tuesday night.  We have to take advantage of the sunshine and 70* weather while we still can.  We FINALLY caught the marching band practice too.  We hear them from our house, but have never actually caught the practice.  It was fun! 

Side note- Annie pulled a muscle, that's why she walks off crying.  While I was videoing, I thought something happened with Finn.  :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

apple picking

Finn's favorite are the green apples.
 He keeps reminding me to use the red ones for the pies!
He loved carrying the basket!

 Picking a few tomatoes.

I scheduled this week's playgroup at Frank Farms in Michigan.  (The same place I bought all my pie cherries.)  We had a great turn out!  I think it was about 14 moms and LOTS of kiddos...  Both Finn and I really enjoyed this special one on one time today.  He was a great helper and complelely in his element...  I had to pull him off the tractors to head home.  Now I can't wait to make an apple pie!

ND is 4-0!

What a big win! Here the football players are singing to the student section after the game.

 We had a full house! Sean's friend, Bobby, and his dad, Bob couldn't find a hotel room
so they stayed with us too!  The younger man in this picture is Bobby's nephew.  He is 16
and the YOUNGEST student at ND right now! 
He may also become an occasional babysitter for us too...
 Sean's old team sergeant, Sev, came out for the ND vs. Michigan game.

Sean and Sev
Fall is here, in Northern Indiana!  It was a nice cool night for football, and I love the night games!!  Walking home by the grotto and stations of the cross at night is the best!  Whew, it was an exhausting weekend, but we'll really miss it next year.  :(

Friday, September 21, 2012

Winfield 2012

My sister put together another awesome Winfield video, this pretty much sums it up!

The boys are sure this is Santa!  In the video you see Cullen shrugging and
shaking his head no, that's in response to Santa asking them if they've been good
at school.  Finn told him he got a red stick and Santa said that red heads probably
get more red sticks.  Watch it, Santa...  ;)

Chip teaching Cullen how to play the spoons.
Cullen did great, nice rhythm.

Our first night in our new tent, Cullen said
"This is the best day of my LIFE!"


Cullen helping carry firewood.

Camp t-shirts!

Silly pose!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

school work

Cullen brought home his second "Great Note" yesterday!  He and Elle are the only two to have gotten it twice now.  He (and me) is so proud!  The teacher only gives one out a day, sometimes none at all... so it's an extra-special, big deal!  The first time he helped the teacher put all the books back in the correct place.  Yesterday he continued to do his work quietly and held up the quiet sign, while the rest of his class was talking/not doing work.  I'm so pleased he is doing well!

He also got a 3+ on his first math quiz.  The Part B is supposed to be hard and above grade level.  Yay for Cullen!

Finn, on the other hand, got the red stick at school a few weeks ago!  Finn hit another boy.  The teacher said he was provoked, but they explained to Finn that you need to use your words.  She did say he was very upset when she gave him the red stick.  I'm very curious what the other boy did to provoke him.  I didn't get much information from Finn... just he was wearing an Optimus Prime shirt and he face looked like this.... (he frowned at me).  Sean and I didn't get too upset about it.... we do want him to stick up for himself.  And let's be honest, he's a little brother, he learned how to stick up for himself long ago!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Clifford the Big Red Dog

Last week for playgroup, we met at the library for storytime.  Clifford the Big Red Dog was there!  Finn was really excited, until we left... then he told me that Clifford wasn't real.  There was a person inside it.  :)  He's growing up so fast!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here Come the Irish!

Loved this tailgating bus of the golden dome!!

Football season is here and the Irish are 2-0!  It's been several years since they started the season with 2 wins right away... I hope that's a good sign.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day for football!  I needed a jacket for the walk home.  And to think last year we were sweating, it was so hot Sean wore shorts!  ;)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

visit from family

the only picture I have of all the cousins

Ellie and Clare :)

Celebrating Finn and Aunt Meghan's birthdays.

Cullen did his hair when he rode with Clare and Ellie. :)

No trip to ND is complete without a trip to the Grotto.

Saint Bernadette

stone from Lourdes, France

Feeding the ducks!

I like this picture!  Clare enjoyed feeding the ducks.

Dedication on a bench by Lake Saint Mary.

Cancer Awareness Tree

Barrel of Monkeys

finger puppet fun

No front teeth!

Sean's family made the drive out to visit us this weekend!  We had fun showing them around campus.  I think we hit pretty much everything!  The kids rode bikes on campus, we toured the Basilica and Main Building.  Went to the Grotto, Saturday night Mass at the Basilica, fed the ducks, shopped at the Bookstore, ate lunch at the South Dining Hall, and dinner at Rocco's Pizza.  AND we celebrated both Finn and Meghan's birthdays!  I think EVERYONE is worn out now.  :)  Thanks for making the trip!