Wednesday, October 27, 2010

more fall fun...

Carving pumpkins.

They were so excited to put candles in them.

Eating the pumpkin seeds.

After riding the hay-rack ride. Finn absolutely loved this!
We rode it a few times for him. :)

Playing in the corn pit.

Our little pumpkins!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

Cullen "There's a snake in my boot." Woody

Finn "To infinity and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear

Best friends.

Finn wouldn't take his eyes off of Darth Vader.
Cullen was keeping a safe distance too...

Finn feeding the giraffe.

The clowns playing a trick on Finn-Finn.

Finn riding the carousel.

Luke and Cullen pet the snake.

Cullen, Luke, and Finn by the long line of carved pumpkins.

Yum! Finn has got trick or treating down.
He knows what he has to do to get candy. :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Estes Park

Coming into Estes Park.

Cullen and some elk.
They were all hanging out in a park in the middle of town.

An excellent start to our little get away.

Entering the Rocky Mountain National Forest.

Panoramic view from one lookout point.

It was a beautiful day...
pretty cold up on in the mountains though.

We caught the tail-end of all the beautiful
Aspen trees changing.

Boy, will we miss Colorado!

Nice lookout over the Rocky Mountain National Forest.

Cullen at Bear Lake.

Cullen and me at Bear Lake.

Sean at Bear Lake.

Bear Lake

Our favorite view!
Can you believe Cullen took this? His first try.

Cullen wanted to pose here too. :)

Cullen and Daddy looking into the clear water.
Cullen spots a fish, we thought he was mistaken.

But here it is! A brown trout.
The clear water was amazing!

A view off the trail of Nymph Lake.
The trail was a steep 1/2 mile up.
Sean braved it with the boys in the stroller.

Of course, the boys had to throw sticks, pine cones,
and rocks in the lake. :)

One of the many gorgeous views while walking down the trail from Nymph Lake.